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i like i

I am in love with this

Submission to 'So bad it's good' Jam

my fps holy, Its a good game, but needs to be fixed. I like it tho :))


"All the bugs you find are features."



I disrespected the boss B)

This game has potential, I really like the shooting style and all. But no base. AT ALL. Also, not optimized at all. Please make it into somewhat of a stealth based singleplayer game, that would be awesome

This is a joke comment right? Am I getting wooshed?

lmao yes. Also it really has potential, I wasnt joking bout that but yeh



no pause menu, that would be a good a addition


Completed in 22 minutes.

Avg. FPS = 40-60 FPS

My specs:

Dell Inspiron 15 5000 Gaming 5577

Core i7 7700HQ Quadcore CPU
8GB RAM Single Channel
Intel HD Graphics 630
Nvidia GTX 1050 4GB
128GB SSD (OS)
1TB 5400RPM HDD (Storage)

Very cool game actually!

I'll probably make a video about this, as it's good for potato specs!


i am gonna play this

Deleted 3 years ago

that is potato specs? u can almost stream minecraft in that. i cant even record!! (cries in intel HD 4000)


sounds really interesting